About Ayurveda:

FOREST GOLD AYURVEDA FOUNDATION is an initiative to bring Ayurveda and Natural healing professionals across globe under one roof. There is a strong need to spread awareness about Ayurveda, Ayurveda professionals and their services, and eradication of myths. We invite you to become proud member of International Association of Ayurveda Practioner (IAAP) on Forest Gold Ayurveda foundation.

Vision Statement

Forest Gold Ayurveda Foundation is the voice of the Ayurveda community. We empower individuals, communities and humanity to achieve health and well-being through Ayurveda.

Mission Statement

Forest Gold Ayurveda Foundation is a national organization representing the Ayurvedic profession in across globe. Its mission is to preserve, protect, improve and promote the philosophy, knowledge, science and practice of Ayurveda for the benefit of humanity.


The purpose of the association is to provide leadership within the Ayurveda profession and to promote a positive vision for Ayurveda and its holistic approach towards health and wellness. We will carry out our mission by creating and implementing a dynamic strategic plan to ensure the professional growth and success of Ayurveda.


  • To serve as a representative membership organization of the Ayurveda profession.
  • To serve as an official spokesperson for and representative of the Ayurveda profession across Globe
  • To establish and maintain standards of education, ethics, professional competency and licensing.
  • To establish in the public mind an understanding which will assure maximum recognition and acceptance of the Ayurveda profession, its programs and practices.
  • To establish and maintain desirable relationships within the Ayurveda profession and other professions, organizations, governmental agencies, groups and with all reputable organizations.
  • To promote, assist and cooperate with local and state Ayurveda associations. This will help us achieve our mission and purposes. To affect public policy and legislation in all matters pertaining to Ayurveda.
  • To support an establishment by helping in the licensing of Ayurveda medicine practicing
  • To develop, participate, conduct and support Ayurveda research programs consistently with Ayurveda principles.
  • To maintain the science of Ayurveda as a separate and distinct healing art profession.
  • To do all things necessary and not contrary to law and work in the interest of association and its members.


1. Introduction

All patients are entitled to receive high standards of practice and conduct from their Ayurvedic professionals. Essential elements of these standards are of professional competence, maintaining good relationships with patients and colleagues, and observance of professional and ethical obligations. In the light of the above, this Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct has been established and will be regularly reviewed and updated by FOREST GOLD AYURVEDA FOUNDATION to provide guidance for Ayurvedic professionals and protection for their patients.
It also serves to explain to people outside the profession the high standards under which an Ayurvedic professional operates.
By becoming a Professional Level member of FOREST GOLD AYURVEDA FOUNDATION, the Ayurvedic professional agrees to be bound by this code. The FOREST GOLD AYURVEDA FOUNDATION Professional Ethics Committee has been entrusted with the task of monitoring an ethically unacceptable behaviour that breaches this code and reflects negatively upon the practice of Ayurveda or upon FOREST GOLD AYURVEDA FOUNDATION. Any allegations against FOREST GOLD AYURVEDA FOUNDATION professional members will be examined by the FOREST GOLD AYURVEDA FOUNDATION Professional Ethics Committee, which will issue a recommended course of action to the FOREST GOLD AYURVEDA FOUNDATION Board for final disposition. This Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct cannot list every possible situation that an Ayurvedic professional may face in practice. It sets out the minimally accepted standards of ethical professional conduct that should be applied in professional practice to ensure public interest and that the needs of patients come first at all times. Beyond the well-being of the patient and the public, this code promotes the wellbeing of the Ayurvedic professional, colleagues, and the profession itself. An Ayurvedic professional’s ability to follow these principles will demonstrate their level of competence and fitness to practice. For additional guidance or clarity, Professional Level members are advised to consult the FOREST GOLD AYURVEDA FOUNDATION Professional Ethics Committee. (System to be developed.)

2. General Duties and Responsibilities of Ayurvedic Professionals

Patients expect that they can trust their wellbeing to their Ayurvedic professional. In order to justify that trust, Ayurvedic professionals have a duty to maintain high standards of practice and care and to show utmost respect for life in all its aspects.

Professional members of FOREST GOLD AYURVEDA FOUNDATION are therefore expected to:
• Always practice in compliance with the philosophy and principles of Ayurveda
• Put the well-being of the patient before all other considerations
• Cultivate and promote their own personal development, well-being and self-respect alongside the patients’ welfare
• Be responsible for maintaining their own health and wellbeing.
• Be honest and trustworthy and never abuse their professional position
• Cause no harm to patients and protect them from any risk of harm
• Treat all patients equally; regardless of religion, nationality, race, culture, sex, politics, disability, sexual orientation or social standing FOREST GOLD AYURVEDA FOUNDATION Professional Ethics_12/2011 2 of 8
• Respect the dignity, individuality and privacy of the patient
• Listen attentively to the patient and respect his or her point of view
• Take time to explain their findings and treatment approach to the patient and answer any questions that arise.
• Respect the right of patients to take part in decisions about their care and actively involve them in designing their Ayurvedic plan
• Respect the autonomy of the patient and encourage their freedom of choice
• Ensure that their personal beliefs do not interfere with the care of the patient Respect and protect confidential information
• Recognize and always work within the limits of their professional competence
• Refer every patient whose condition is beyond their expertise to an appropriate health care practitioner or to a primary care doctor
• Be willing to consult and cooperate with colleagues both within Ayurveda and other health care professions
• Respond promptly and constructively to any criticism or complaint from any source
• Continue to update their professional knowledge and skills in accordance with standards currently being developed
• Make no claim for the cure of any specific illness or disease
• Refrain from using any titles or descriptions suggesting medical, academic or educational qualifications that the professional has not officially acquired
• Comply with all applicable state and federal laws that affect their practice.
Ayurvedic professionals must be familiar with all laws or regulations relevant to the practice of Ayurveda in the locality of their practice and to remain aware of any legal changes that may affect their practice.